About St Elizabeth Care Agency
Who we are
At St Elizabeth Care Agency, our aim is to provide high quality, tailor-made services to clients living in their own homes in the community. We do this by matching our clients’ needs, wishes and choices with carers who are qualified and skilled to help and support them.
We place our clients at the heart of our practice, by making sure we listen to what they tell us you want and need. We will encourage our clients to remain as independent as they can possibly be. We can support clients who, for various reasons, are unable to manage some aspects of their daily lives without help.
We are based in Suffolk and currently delivering services in and around the Ipswich, Needham Market, Claydon, Felixstowe, Capel St Mary, Kesgrave, Martlesham, Woodbridge, Ufford and Framlingham areas.
If you, or someone you know, would benefit from the services we can provide please contact us at our office. We will be very happy to talk to you about your enquiry or respond to an email from you. We will also be very happy to arrange to visit you, at home.
Our link to St Elizabeth Hospice
St Elizabeth Care Agency is a social enterprise, this means our profits are used to support the work of St Elizabeth Hospice. We generate our funding through the fees that our clients pay for the services that we provide.
The profits that we make as a business are reinvested to support the running costs of St Elizabeth Hospice, a local charity which improves the lives of people living with a progressive illness in East Suffolk, North Essex and South East Norfolk.
Who regulates us?
As a Domiciliary Care Agency we are registered with, and regulated by, the Care Quality Commission (CQC). We can expect to receive inspections at any time which include talking to our home carers and clients either in person or through questionnaires and looking at policies, procedures and records to ensure we are doing things well and to a high standard.
The St Elizabeth Care Agency has continued to retain its ‘Outstanding’ rating by the CQC in March 2022. The last in-person inspection was in January 2019, which rated the St Elizabeth Care Agency as 'Outstanding'.
If you wanted more information about our service from CQC, their contact details are:
Care Quality Commission
Newcastle Upon Tyne
Telephone number: 03000 616161 | Website: www.cqc.org.uk